However, Ms. Shevey says that increasing enrollment, due to turnover of housing from empty nesters to young families, is causing concern.
With the opening of Milpitas High School in 1969, the two schools coexisted until 1980 when declining enrollment caused Samuel Ayer to be closed.
However declining enrollment later caused closing several schools.
The increased enrollment, however, caused a space crunch in other districts.
Declining enrollment has caused a change of philosophy.
The Old Glory Independent School District once served the community, but rapidly declining enrollment caused the district and its schools to close.
In 1962, the enrollment of James Meredith, the first black student at the University of Mississippi, caused riots on campus that left two dead.
Increased enrollment along with new construction and limited expansion options have caused a parking crunch at Montclair State University.
In the 1950s, rising enrollments due to suburban expansion and the baby boom caused many changes.
The large enrollment caused the average number of students in each class to far exceed the government ideal number of twenty-five.