After the war, enrollment swelled to over 250 students, but class size had settled back to 60 by the 1950s.
In 1975, enrollment swelled to a record 8,500.
With the open admissions policy came more minority students and the university's enrollment swelled, to 250,000 in 1976, from 160,000 in 1969.
During the 1950s enrollment at the university was swelling and as a result Campus Corner was booming.
Whatever the parents' motivation, enrollment in many playgroups is swelling.
Although last year's class fell closer to average, enrollment still swells as word spreads that Chicken Farm is open to all comers.
But within a decade, enrollment swelled by 50 percent.
One season, enrollment swelled to 500 students, and lessons were given in any available nook and cranny.
The community college here, its enrollment swelled by unemployed loggers, asked for assistance to help design retraining programs.
With the arrival of spring, enrollment in swimming classes for babies is swelling across the country.