Obviously Soundtrack is a fine addition to the 2 previous works on train sounds and the ensemble makes for a perfect trilogy.
Although the solo and the ensemble made effective points along the way, they lacked striking conclusions.
Since 1997 the ensemble has organised itself and made all important artistic decisions within its own ranks.
He created a surpassing ensemble and enlarged the orchestra to make it one of the greatest in the world.
In this period, the ensemble made many recordings and multiple composers wrote music for the group.
I liked to think that, while discreet enough for an important occasion, the ensemble made its own kind of personal statement.
I can think of no living composer with so original an ear for the sounds large ensembles can make.
But it was clear on Thursday evening, when the young ensemble made its American debut, that what the group calls itself hardly matters.
This splendid ensemble makes clear that, carried on for 2,000 years, practice can indeed make perfect.
These ensembles make the "core" music options offered at the school.