Made up primarily of Eastside residents, the ensemble provides the opportunity for talented, dedicated musicians to perform in an adult orchestra.
A given ensemble provides a complete description of all of the accessible microstates of the system.
These ensembles provide a platform for the performance of contemporary New Zealand chamber music at the highest performance levels and through recording.
But this is the beauty of the album; the ensembles provide a forum for Zorn to expand his compositions.
The ensemble provides a rich, full sound, in keeping with the conductor's big, loose, firm approach, and manages to follow his (Furtwänglerian) rubatos.
The 14-member ensemble, conducted by Craig Smith, provides not just an accompaniment but a supporting musical cushion for the suffering protagonist.
By choice, the ensemble does not provide program notes.
Three-piece ensembles, with styles ranging from jazz to classical music, provide dinnertime entertainment.
The excellent ensemble provides a finely shaded group portrait of the clan whose internal tensions are exacerbated by politics.