Here, too, one heard a viscerally touching sensitivity to pitch and key that sometimes escaped Miss Fabbricini in earlier ensemble scenes.
They have to lean in, pay attention and accept the fact that not every word is meant to be heard, especially in bustling ensemble scenes.
Some of the ensemble scenes are deftly handled.
In a ferociously complex ensemble scene involving several dozen actors, not an inflection or beat rings false.
The video reveals the 5 members in their ensemble scene, and some small snippets of the full music video.
Equally striking are several beautifully woven ensemble scenes.
In the score the pitched clanking becomes an accompaniment to the halting sung conversation during this intricate ensemble scene.
The extended ensemble scenes are intricate and richly textured.
Mr. Copley's staging, hewing closely to traditional lines, worked smoothly in the big ensemble scenes of the first and third acts.
Most of the show consists of long ensemble scenes inspired by Gilbert and Sullivan operetta.