It also urged Paraguay to set quotas to ensure increased participation by women in politics and diplomacy.
Organizers, individuals and meetings raise the funds to ensure worldwide participation.
If postponing the election date can ensure more adequate Sunni participation, it is in everyone's interest to do so.
They were careful to ensure broad racial participation in the design of the test itself and its administration.
This was to try to ensure even participation across the whole community.
To ensure participation, your request must be received at least two days before the scheduled meeting date.
The Commission is quite happy to accept your view that we must ensure full participation by the private sector in solving and managing financial crises.
This process is to ensure input and participation by all interested and involved parties.
We need to do more to make the citizens aware of Parliament's work, to increase their interest in our work and to ensure greater participation.
Appropriate measures must be taken in order to ensure balanced participation.