To ensure secrecy of the mission, a secret royal inspector could open bongseo only after leaving the capital.
"Our aim is not to seek, but tohide, and thereby ensure continued secrecy."
To ensure secrecy, members rarely knew much more than the members of their own cell and one superior above them.
"We will best prevent it by ensuring secrecy during our search for Alia, and at its arrest."
Between takes, the makeup department kept Romijn isolated in a windowless room to ensure secrecy.
It looks to be in disrepair, but that is a facade created to ensure secrecy.
Frank inquired after switching on a scrambler to ensure secrecy for their conversation.
To ensure complete secrecy and objectivity, contestants are identified by number only rather than by name.
Voting was carried out using rubber balls, with voters having to place their hands in both ballot boxes to ensure secrecy.
Therefore, the presence of the arbiter, though not compulsory, is especially important to ensure secrecy until the game is over.