The act required schools, colleges, universities, adult education providers, statutory Youth service and local education authorities to make 'reasonable provisions' to ensure people with disabilities or special needs were provided with the same opportunities as those who were not disabled.
For instance, I introduced bipartisan legislation to protect business owners from baseless lawsuits under the Americans with Disabilities Act, while ensuring individuals with disabilities are guaranteed access to places of public accommodation.
IDEA includes a set of procedural safeguards designed to protect the rights of children with disabilities and their families, and to ensure that children with disabilities receive a FAPE.
As such, he aimed to ensure the training of coaches for athletes with disabilities, to facilitate the forming of sports clubs, to organise disability games, to spot and train young athletes, and to enhance the latter's confidence.
We regularly audit BBC buildings to ensure accessibility for all visitors with disabilities and will, where possible, make reasonable adjustments for disabled people wishing to take part in BBC activities.
This includes working to ensure that children with disabilities receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).
Policies that has been created to ensure the social participation of British citizens with disabilities have been critiqued for not being strict enough.
A bill for an act to ensure full integration of Nigerians with physical disabilities and eliminate all forms of discrimination against them.
I also agree that we must allocate appropriate funding in order to ensure the integration of people with disabilities in the area of training.
It ensures affirmative action's concerning persons with disabilities including students, nonteaching staff, faculty as well as patients at University College of Medical Sciences.