Graduation week entailed a reconnaissance mission-deep into enemy territory.
That could easily entail 100 or more rocket launches in less than two years, a pace into space never before achieved.
The investigations would entail inquiries into the funding of several human rights groups that have criticised Israeli policies.
And the first-night parties for new arrivals more often entail a round of drinks after the show than a mad plunge into the paparazzi.
It certainly entails unprecedented intrusion into the internal affairs of sovereign states, but in one direction only: discipline, without transforming help.
That movement and the speed with which it was performed entailed an instantaneous shift into the perception of another totally different universe.
This would entail Iran drilling into Iraqi territory to search for oil.
This is akin to a cost-benefit analysis but does not entail the translation of lives and health into dollars.
At present, it ought to entail a moratorium on the release of new genetically modified crops into the environment.
It entails more than self-inquiry or bare insight into one's real nature.