This often entails making each character in some way deaf to what the others are saying.
Servicing a computer usually entails making a temporary electronic copy of the operating program in the computer's random access memory.
"But she's our child, and that entails making choices for her," I said.
That entails making sure logins for employees are in place and that not everybody has access to all the data.
This entails making problems, abnormalities, or deviations from standards visible to everyone.
Some interpretations are based on archaeology, but this entails making the assumption that one of the homeland hypotheses is in fact correct.
The design process nearly always entails making trade-offs of one set of structural benefits against another.
Selling out to a developer usually entails making the deal subject to approvals, a process that can take many years.
Just to find an adjacent block in the next field would entail making a search of 9 blocks.