Your experience entails moving through the maze inside, then outside.
In theory, constantly updating a large file, particularly one with graphics and complex images, entails moving vast amounts of data.
To do so entails moving enough mass to interrupt their field lines massively.
Paul perceives strong sense, or ethical, critical thinking to be connected with dialogical reasoning, which entails moving back and forth between opposing views.
Once the assemblage point has moved, the movement itself entails moving from self-reflection, and this, in turn, assures a clear connecting link with the spirit.
Consequently MSX-1 machines could be inefficient at certain graphical tasks, such as scrolling games, which entailed moving the entire background memory.
Still, Mr. Hargrove said, "nothing in this agreement will entail moving work from the United States to Canada."
It may be for a perfectly simple reason, for example a partner may have found a job which entails moving out of the area.
Voluntary modulation would entail moving funds from the EU budget's compulsory expenditure to non-compulsory expenditure.
The shift entails moving from general respect for an office bearer to one where members loyally submit without any right to dissent.