The approach was not endorsed by western countries as it entailed too many hints on political censorship of the internet.
The plan would entail an increase in the sales tax and a temporary surcharge on state residents who make $150,000 or more.
The teachings entailed a one to two hour lecture on each of 8 to 10 consecutive days.
However, elite collusion can and does entail far more than agreement on the 'rules of the game'.
What will it entail, on the part of the United States?
"Giving you his name would entail much risk on my part."
It would be a complex task, though, and might entail some risk on my part.
That is expected to entail payments on a sliding scale ranging from £7 to £86.
All this entailed a heavy financial burden on the Abbasid state.
That would in fact entail a further burden on the limited human resources.