International sanctions culminated in the May 1994 United Nations embargo of all goods entering Haiti except humanitarian supplies, such as food and medicine.
Haitian law requires U.S. citizens to have a passport to enter and exit Haiti.
Because of difficulties reaching some affected areas, some rescue teams tried to enter Haiti through the Dominican Republic.
In January 1914, British, German and US forces entered Haiti, ostensibly to protect their citizens from civil unrest.
Opposition to the Occupation began immediately after the Marines entered Haiti in 1915.
October 11-October 28 - The UNMIH is prevented from entering Haiti.
All foreign visitors must have a valid passport to enter Haiti.
Entry Requirements - Passport Validity You must hold a valid passport to enter Haiti.
When American soldiers entered Haiti without bloodshed on Monday, it was perhaps the best possible solution to an ugly situation, some members of the elite said.
Three weeks ago today our troops entered Haiti.