Pakistan has disputed whether the Maharaja actually signed the accession treaty before Indian troops entered Kashmir.
Upon arrival in India, Eckenstein was detained by British authorities for three weeks on suspicion of being a spy, and not allowed to enter Kashmir.
Renchen Shah of Leh entered Kashmir through this pass and became the monarch of the land in the 14th century.
He employed Shah Mir as a trusted courtier, who had entered Kashmir earlier and had been given an appointment in the government.
As a merchant class they were among the only people allowed to enter Kashmir by local rulers.
They invited Mughals to enter Kashmir in order to end disturbances in the valley.
They are believed to have come from central Asia entering Kashmir and finally western Nepal.
Mahmud failed to subdue this fort or get past it and enter Kashmir.
However, it did not happen as the BJP leaders were arrested and not allowed to enter Kashmir.
All foreigners must report to the police on entering Kashmir.