Portuguese law requires some non-European Union foreign nationals to register with immigration officials within three working days of entering Portugal.
Most first entered Portugal, though some headed immediately for Naples, Rome, Marseilles or Amsterdam.
Jews entering Portugal after being expelled from Spain in 1492 were heavily taxed.
By the Portuguese law of banishment of 1834 and the constitution of 1838 Miguel was forbidden to enter Portugal.
Entry Requirements - Passport Validity You must hold a valid passport to enter Portugal.
Coming from within Europe, you'll have no problems entering Portugal by land, sea or air.
Rococo entered Portugal through the north, while Lisbon, due to the court pomp, remained in the Baroque.
On the way he found out that the French had entered Portugal so he diverted to London.
Nuno Álvares Pereira had been chosen to protect the frontier in this area, amid fear that a Castilian force could enter Portugal here.
He was instructed to forget that it had ever existed, and to pretend that he had never entered Portugal.