Out of revenge Shehabbedin again entered Transylvania.
Alexandru G. Golescu stayed in Șuluțiu's house until Russian troops entered Transylvania, when he fled to Paris.
Thus, on 15 August 1522, when Radu Afumati entered Transylvania, Mehmed-Bey took the power.
This came as Russian troops were entering Transylvania, a military operation culminating in Hungarian defeat at the Battle of Segesvár in late July.
The Romanian armies entered Transylvania (then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire), together with Russian forces.
When he entered Transylvania he did not grant rights to the Romanian inhabitants (who were primarily peasants, comprising more than 60 percent of the population).
The Romanian Army, representing the Entente powers, entered Transylvania from the east on November 12, 1918.
When Michael entered Transylvania, he did not free or grant rights to the Romanian inhabitants, who were primarily peasants but, nevertheless, constituted more than 60% of the population.
According to the immigrationist theory of the origins of the Romanian people, it is suggested that Romanians entered Transylvania during the same period.
This made it one of the very few point through which Southern invaders could enter Transylvania.