"The forces which entered Tripoli, part of their arms and capabilities, were 100% Sudanese," he told the crowd.
During the assault to enter Tripoli the brigade was reported in the UK Telegraph newspaper to number just under 1,000.
Its General commander also stated that it had troops waiting to join once the brigade entered Tripoli.
It took five months after the Nato air strikes began before rebel forces entered Tripoli.
As rebel forces enter Tripoli, the big question is what will happen to the Qaddafi regime.
August 22 - The 2011 Libyan civil war intensifies as rebel forces enter Tripoli.
Second, what happens if the "rebels" come to roll back Gaddafi forces, start to enter Tripoli and start exacting retribution?
On 22 August 2011, the organization was rendered defunct when its channels were taken off-air by anti-Gaddafi fighters, which had entered Tripoli the previous day.
On 22 August 2011, the station was taken off-air by the National Transitional Council forces, which had entered Tripoli the previous day.
It was occupied by anti-Gaddafi forces on 7 August, just a few weeks before they entered Tripoli.