She said she's confident entering Wimbledon despite the fact that she hasn't had a lot of practice on grass this year.
Court was seeded all 12 years she entered Wimbledon.
The only exceptional male player who entered Wimbledon that year was Lew Hoad.
Annacone was ranked as high as 13th in 1985, but has slipped recently and entered Wimbledon as No. 55 on the computer.
Here he entered Wimbledon as qualifier.
This made it easier to earn direct acceptance to challengers, and also helped him enter Wimbledon qualifying.
Shriver is seeded third this year, but a groin injury and the recent past did not give her a great deal of confidence entering Wimbledon.
Polanksy rather surprisingly either chose not to enter Wimbledon qualifying or was not eligible.
"I couldn't enter Wimbledon and compete against Federer."
Graf enters Wimbledon with a perfect record in 1987.