At birth a child enters the condition of infancy - a condition which ceases at the age of 18 years, or rather, at the first moment of the day preceding the eighteenth birthday.
The cause of the accident was due to the aircraft entering a stable stalled condition, recovery from which was impossible.
The bridge fell quiet and entered a dreamlike condition, no lights or buzzers, the red alert now resting, few systems bothering to work during the blackout, and nobody had much to do.
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The writings of Lyotard were largely concerned with the role of narrative in human culture, and particularly how that role has changed as we have left modernity and entered a "postindustrial" or postmodern condition.
We know that one Member States meets all the criteria for membership of EMU, did not enter a condition in the Accession Treaty, but yet does not want to participate.
It enters a condition where it is no longer taken hold of by the ego organization inwardly, but only in an outward way.