With this India entered the semifinals of champions trophy after eight long years.
Two or three years of learning were typical, though some students would enter after 10 years of ordinary school and learn during 1 year.
He is stunned to discover the party establishment fighting against him when he enters the primary for governor after four years as attorney general.
Members may enter retired status after twenty years of service.
The chain entered bankruptcy in early 2002 after 134 years of service.
Dow Jones, in entering a market after 15 years of growth, shows a belief that things can grow to the sky.
If one chooses general studies courses, you can enter university after three years.
The first ES-3A was delivered in 1991, entering service after two years of testing.
On 10 July 1911 he officially entered into a retirement after 45 years of service.
By comparison, stars like the Sun enter the main sequence after 30 million years.