In a moment the hounds dashed across the river towards the well-known sound, and entered the jungle at full speed.
The coaches are air-sealed to ensure stable air pressure when entering tunnels at high speed.
It enters a small village at speed.
Parting the drapes, he watched one Metro squad car, and then another, enter the trailer park at high speed.
I'm picking up a ship entering this system at high speed.
The carriage enters at full speed covered with dust and mud.
It would have been foolhardy to enter the river at such speed, and Joe knew that under the circumstances he needed lots of room to maneuver.
Rex was forced to enter this room at somewhat greater speed than he considered altogether necessary.
He entered the suite at top speed and did not slow down until he had burst into Smith's office.
Wouldn't you rather have these days off at the end of the season, or is it better to enter the playoffs at full speed?