It also entered the construction business by acquiring Finnish steel roof manufacturer called Rannila.
Over all, Wal-Mart is still expanding outside the United States, particularly in markets where it entered by acquiring a strong retailer.
The company also entered the application change management market by acquiring Stat.
Quest continued building out its virtualization business and also entered the private cloud automation market by acquiring Surgient.
Many consumers will find banks using new authority under a provision of the bailout bill to enter their market by acquiring a local savings and loan.
It entered the translation business in 1984 by acquiring a technical translator in California.
But he is seeking to enter the fashion mainstream by acquiring a backer for a ready-to-wear line.
In 2007, they entered the analytics business intelligence markets by acquiring Spotfire.
In 1998, it entered the road and airport maintenance business by acquiring Streamline Holdings.
It entered California by acquiring the Associated Telephone Company in 1926.