Harrodsburg once saw Morgan's forces enter the town during the war.
So many copy-cat products entered the marketplace during the war that it was deemed generic just three years later.
Hussman entered the military during the war.
He declined to enter a plea for the charges against him during the war in Croatian war.
One of its first initiatives was a campaign featuring Rosie the Riveter, the character that motivated women to enter the work force during the war.
In all, nearly 25,000 men and women from the Beehive state entered military units during the war.
Cooper determined that hundreds, if not thousands, of stolen works had entered Switzerland during the war.
Twelve percent of the sample remained in the same line of work they had entered during the war.
Syrian troops first entered Lebanon in 1976, during the civil war, saying that they intended to bring stability to the country.
According to estimates, 60,000 Jews tried to enter the country during the war, and half or more were turned away.