The priest entered hesitantly, looking around with wonder at the rich appointments, the deep pile carpet, the tall red velvet curtains.
The door opened and she smiled at the woman who hesitantly entered.
Paula Grant Berry, the family representative, said she entered hesitantly into what became an all-consuming experience.
She entered hesitantly and waited in silence while I shut the door.
Zilin peered around him to see another figure enter hesitantly through the doorway.
Primo hesitantly enters: Secondo hands him the last plate.
The door was propped open, to catch what air there was, and she entered hesitantly, her gift thrust out in front of her.
Grief was a country, a place you entered hesitantly, or were thrown into without warning.
The indirect light in the ceiling went on as I hesitantly entered the large room which was subdivided by partitions.
Cassius entered rather hesitantly, which seemed odd; he was ordinarily anything but hesitant.