The bacteria most commonly enter the body through mucous membranes, usually in the area around the genitals and urinary system.
The gray fog that filled the throne room seemed to be flowing through him, entering his "body" in the general area of the feet and leaving at the hands.
Cars entering garages in the area over the past few days were searched as a condition of parking.
On November 9, a cold front moved into the northwest Caribbean Sea, shortly before an abnormally strong high pressure system entered in the area.
In April 1945 the Brigade entered Germany in the area of Emsland.
Two ways exist of entering the waters in the area.
The unit entered combat in late June 1920 in the area of Polesie Marshes.
The attacking column disappeared along the road, some of them entering the fields in the area of the No. 6 Commando.
The catastrophic malfunction that led to Skif entering the atmosphere in the same area as Energia's second stage was successfully investigated.
After the entry of Italy into the war on 20 June 1940 the division entered France in the area of Argentera.