He had entered popular mythology by the mid-13th century, and we find outlaws like William Robehod in a court roll of 1261 being given his alias.
Mentioned by the Buddha in the Pali canon, Yama subsequently entered Buddhist, Chinese, Tibetan, Korean, and Japanese mythology as a wrathful god under various transliterations.
After the coming of Islam to the Indonesian archipelago, Islamic mythology especially those dealing with spiritual beings, such as devils, demons, jinns and angels entered Indonesian mythology.
By now the paradoxes of his life have entered literary mythology.
The heavy Vickers machine gun proved itself to be the most reliable weapon on the battlefield, with some of its feats of endurance entering military mythology.
The Battle of Cable Street has entered left-wing mythology as a great triumph of militant anti-fascism.
Megalithic mounds such as Newgrange entered Irish mythology as sídhe or fairy mounds.
Heracles also entered Etruscan and Roman mythology and cult, and the exclamation "mehercule" became as familiar to the Romans as "Herakleis" was to the Greeks.
The Kavi entered Iranian mythology as Kayanian dynasty.
As the Corleones entered mythology, they were surrounded by contradictions.