The main problems which the enterprises face with are often electricity failures, and electricity is the main resource for production.
Most biotech enterprises face a host of daunting challenges.
Many enterprises in the city are facing colossal debt problems.
Notwithstanding attempts to diversify the production of commodities, Vietnam's state-owned enterprises faced strong competition from private companies after losing their subsidy and monopoly rights.
FOR the future, Mr. Goggles and the tribe's business leaders must walk the tightrope that all young enterprises face - growing without losing money.
Unfortunately, the tanner had become involved with some unsavory types, and now the whole enterprise faced investigation by the government.
It is intended to overcome the difficulties smaller enterprises face in co-operating across member state frontiers.
The choice of a revenue-cap rather than a price cap means that the regulated enterprise does not face any quantity risk.
On the other hand, transformational change works best when an enterprise faces a crisis and needs to make major changes in order to survive.
These enterprises face severe problems in technological modernization and access to supplies, mostly because economic reform has stalled in other areas.