These home-based enterprises, called "honeybee activities", involve a myriad of ventures.
The enterprise proved a failure and involved him in pecuniary difficulties.
Some enterprises also involve external parties in their group planning where inputs from the crucial parts of the supply chain, cooperation and collaboration, or outsiders-looking-in are part of the firm's strategy.
The enterprise also involved Thomas Sturge Moore, and later William Llewellyn Hacon (1860-1910), a barrister.
The entire enterprise involved an investment of £80m, of which £50m was spent on brand new, state-of-the-art presses specially commissioned from German engineer Man Roland.
The enterprise now involves the second generation, Hanna, Christian and his wife Liz.
Among them is the tale that my earliest enterprises involved the sale of addictive substances, with hints that these were illegal drugs.
This enterprise would not involve only the study of printed primary sources, but also a lot of work in the archives.
"Our enterprise involves killing people."
This must not be a formality, but an enterprise involving all those concerned and, in particular, the parliamentary bodies and the social partners.