Under given conditions in Germany after the First World War, this enterprise did not run well from the outset.
When this enterprise ran into financial trouble, Leland came full circle by selling out to Henry Ford in 1922.
In many cases, the enterprises run out of critical supplies.
He is optimistic that individual enterprise and small, cheaply run projects can stand up to and be economically successful against large monolithic concerns.
These days such enterprises run against the cultural grain, and not only during the December holidays.
Today the enterprise runs 32 branches throughout Britain.
Great industrial enterprises are running on empty, using inflationary credit extorted from Moscow to pay suppliers and meet payrolls.
With the studio and his other enterprises running well, Gene was able to get out and play more.
We need to build information highways, on which private enterprises can of course then create and run their own vehicles.
Almost every town or village had its bank, local enterprises run and backed by local investors.