But new enterprises are starting to blossom and a mood of optimism prevails.
The fourth section looks at their channel relations prior to the mid-1980s, before some enterprises started interacting with each other in new ways.
His enterprise branched out to introduce its product beyond Tennessee and started selling it in ready-to-pop packaging.
"Clearly the message was that if private enterprise doesn't start embracing this, more is to follow."
January 2006 - the enterprise started manufacturing national plastic driving licenses and vehicle registration certificates in Ukraine.
I don't know how it would work in existing companies but it has to be an idea for getting badly needed new enterprise started.
In the 1960s, the agrarian economy was replaced with light industry as small and medium enterprises started to form.
But it could have been bad if our particular enterprise had started, say, two years ago.
The enterprise started pipe production in 1897.
The enterprise has started with 18 employees.