They institutionalise high cost structures and production patterns, they restrict flexibility and they constrain the innovative and enterprising producer.
(An enterprising producer put the two cooks together after a chance encounter and told them simply to be themselves - no sound bites, no script, no studio kitchen.)
Some enterprising producer should bring it to London next year, for it is the perfect alternative to pantomime.
Since everyone here seems to be so committed to cross-gender casting, hopefully a few enterprising producers will soon be putting on productions where all the male parts are played by women and vice versa.
The production, which opened Tuesday, is being presented through Saturday night by Boston's enterprising producer of experimental modern-dance, Dance Umbrella, directed by Jeremy Alliger.
While the wine list, once exclusively American, now has some European selections, its laudable focus is still on unusual grapes and blends from enterprising producers.
Peer, an enterprising producer for the Victor Talking Machine Company, sensed a market for rural sounds, and was offering $50 a song.
An enterprising producer of light opera, Lester had the surprising idea of creating a musical biography of Grieg, using his music.
By joining the enterprising producers who unearthed this play, she is making an affirming statement about life, art and audiences.
The problem was that, in the UK, no enterprising producer stepped forward to fill the gap their departure created.