As a 6-year-old performer, he graduated from entertaining his family and friends to the stage with the community's production of Down by the Creek Bank.
On the pages below, you'll find intermediate yo-yo tricks that will entertain and impress your family, friends, and classmates.
Start the school year with Fun Fridays and play at the park, visit a museum or complete a craft project - whatever entertains your family.
It is perfect Sunday Night TV which entertains me and my family.
Further, "you'll find movies and music that will not only entertain your family, but uplift and inspire them as well."
Through a series of flashbacks, the brothers are seen during childhood entertaining their family in the living room.
In his own autobiography Berry states that he used to perform the duckwalk as a child to entertain his family.
She would entertain her family, and even give occasional dinner parties for her friends.
Davilita, as he became known, learned to play the guitar at a young age and entertained his family with his voice.
He was an attentive husband and devoted father, entertaining his family with stories and tales.