On the road, he would visit art museums or historical sites while his teammates slept or entertained women.
In 1963, he touched off a debate over the university's enforcement of the hours during which students were allowed to entertain women in their rooms.
Here she entertained men and women of prominence in the film world, cooking culinary masterpieces which her friends deemed superior to most chefs.
Tony lives in a walkup apartment above the nightclub, where he often entertains beautiful women.
Evidently these pirates had entertained women before.
She tells of losing her home because Lymon bought heroin and entertained other women rather than paying the mortgage.
How you choose to entertain women is no concern of mine.
And you, woman," said the same man to D'alma, "you know full well that we never entertain women here.
Nor would he entertain women at home-- except for Rennie, of course.
Will Honeycomb is a "rake" who "is very ready at that sort of discourse with which men usually entertain women".