He also traveled widely overseas with the USO entertaining troops.
For a while, the Circus of Dr. Ola toured behind the lines, entertaining troops on leave.
He was at the Embassy Club in 1942, and a little later, toured the Middle East, entertaining troops.
During World War II they were again entertaining troops on the home front.
By contrast, entertaining troops in past wars was often accomplished in makeshift arenas and open fields where thousands gathered.
The press, not surprisingly, saw only that he seemed to be partying in Manhattan while other actors were entertaining troops or going to war.
In late 2006, Casey went to Afghanistan with a number of other musicians, entertaining troops stationed there.
After his mandatory service in the army, he later toured for two years entertaining troops all over the United States.
In 1969, she developed pneumonia while entertaining troops in Vietnam, and went to the Philippines for treatment.
Bob Hope was returning to Sydney after entertaining troops in Guam.