Fry was the entertainment director of the Bristol Renaissance Faire from 1989 until 2008.
In 2008, Fry left the Bristol Faire, following a lengthy run as the entertainment director.
He later worked as what he called a behind-the-scenes entertainment director at Cuba's tourist beaches.
An impressed Hayes hired him to work at his Catskills summer ranch for kids as entertainment director.
Then the hotel's entertainment director arrived to properly introduce Hughes to Liberace.
In 1999, she changed careers and became an entertainment director and comedy performer on a cruise liner.
Counselor, will you check with the entertainment director and see what he has in the way of masks?
His official position was assistant to Frank Sennes, official entertainment director of the venue in the late 1940s.
Their troupe of live performers performs shows written and produced by Chris Thompson, the park's entertainment director.
From 1972 to 1985 he was entertainment director.