And now, Peter Cincotti, one of the most promising singer-pianists of the next generation, has begun exploring the idea of himself as an entertainment franchise.
NBC, which in an earlier era canceled one of the greatest entertainment franchises of all time - "Star Trek" - made another mistake on this one.
Cirque du Soleil, which has turned an original mix of performance elements into an international entertainment franchise, is back in New York with its latest show.
He would have known that the ominous specter he raised in "1984" would, by 2000, become a crowd-pleasing entertainment franchise.
If anything, he seems to be expanding his one-man entertainment franchise.
We're building an integrated entertainment franchise where merchandising, games, movies, TV, cartoons and comics all come together, like Disney 2.0.
In fact, it was traditional cheerleaders doing newly stunty routines who first found a national audience as an entertainment franchise.
The series are frequently recognized as two of television's most successful young adult entertainment franchises.
My Little Pony is an entertainment franchise developed by Hasbro which is marketed primarily to girls.
"Call of Duty as an entertainment franchise has made an indelible mark on popular culture," said Bobby Kotick, the company's CEO.