Both businesses sought to include fully nude dancers to their entertainment lineup, but were prevented by an Indiana statute regulating "indecent behavior."
It has since expanded its entertainment lineup to include rock, jazz, classical, cabaret, bluegrass, poetry and even comedy.
The festival's entertainment lineup includes community bands as well as entertainers from Germany.
Besides drawing a larger corporate presence, the festival's younger organizers and audience have also led to a significant shift in the entertainment lineup this year.
Mr. Genzlinger continues by trashing the entertainment lineups advertised on the billboards approaching Atlantic City.
The park's Independence Day festivities add fireworks to the entertainment lineup.
Visits are usually scheduled around the entertainment lineup: a demolition derby or, at the larger fairs, a performance by one of the top names in country music.
But the football game also appears to have lost to the entertainment lineup on CBS, which drew an 11 rating from 9 to 11 P.M.
AMI-tv carries a general entertainment lineup of programming including sitcoms, television dramas, films, talk shows, and documentaries.
Also Glow in the Park Parade was added to the entertainment lineup.