Hans later found himself a job as one of the hosts on the entertainment series, EZone.
It has made entertainment series and factual specials which have sold all over the world.
The strong showing comes as the networks have cut back on the number of new entertainment series that break the usual pattern of summer reruns.
It premiered in 2003 and is the most successful entertainment series on Alter.
Yet to the public it has also taken on the qualities of a long-running entertainment series, part reality television and part online game show.
But essentially we'll be putting on high-quality entertainment series.
Mr. Beuth said there was no flow of the news audience to any entertainment series that followed it.
Networks have long used big events like the Olympics to promote their coming entertainment series, and this year has been no exception.
This season, because baseball has played on two networks, many new shows have had a chance to get on the air less challenged by entertainment series.
Parade was created as an open-format entertainment series which covered most music styles and included comedy performances.