The subject of Jenny Uglow's enthralling book is a man who, aged 21 and a fatherless exile, undertook his first, and most unlucky, gamble.
Mr. Owens published his famous and enthralling book "Suburbia" in 1973, but he continued his sharp-eyed documentation of suburban culture into the early 80's.
But it must be satisfying, because this enthralling book is also a heartfelt call to America to use its power when societies break down and to become a steady global force resisting human rights abuses everywhere.
It is forcefully made by the Fowler show and its catalog, a densely layered and enthralling book.
"In this enthralling book of social history . . . Hollywood's founding fathers come vividly to life."
Many readers will, I feel sure, find the account of Islamic Spain provided at the beginning of the book particularly enthralling.
The Silverman murder actually forms a very small part of this enthralling book.
It is an enthralling book, one full of an eccentric charm as well as fascinating, previously undisclosed details of the secret war waged in the occupied countries.
The artistry of this frank, enthralling book lies in the utter simplicity - and careful, subtle selectivity - with which she plainly describes the determining events in what will now be unforgettable lives.
With this brief but enthralling book, the publisher has fulfilled the intention of this new series, to make available "innovative and generously illustrated" books and to "challenge the limits of art book publishing."