Gerswin took the seat, only to stand abruptly with the bounding and enthusiastic approach of Simones.
She attended a ceremonial conference where she was presented with a plaque to honor her creative and enthusiastic approach to teaching students.
Anyone with a strong academic background, a genuine interest in their subject and a self-motivated and enthusiastic approach should consider applying to Oxbridge.
Your enthusiastic, caring and joyful approach to life serves as an example we will try to emulate.
The interviewer is looking for a positive and enthusiastic approach to his or her company.
His enthusiastic approach will serve him well in this challenging position.
On paper," he said, "the guys they are counting on have an enthusiastic approach.
His improvements deserve to become standard for the next 200 years; his enthusiastic approach kept textures clear, and the weightiest passages danced.
A lot of players are excited about the enthusiastic approach.