A wave of enthusiastic cheers was cut short with another gesture.
There is, for instance, the inevitable opening sequence that tapes the performer getting to the theater and then walking onstage to the audience's enthusiastic cheers.
The gnomes watched the sight from their stations and let loose with a wild, enthusiastic cheer.
Mr. Edwards said as his audience responded with loud and enthusiastic cheers.
The Yankee center fielder received enthusiastic cheers from those attending the tribute, many of whom stood and applauded as he stepped to the podium.
"Leaders who won't follow the wishes of the people must resign," an anonymous speaker said to enthusiastic cheers, speaking from the steps of party headquarters.
This brought on enthusiastic cheers and a growing rumble of feet as the members rose in great numbers and exited the chamber.
There is a more enthusiastic cheer at this.
"The politics of this country must be handled with maturity and vision," he said to the enthusiastic cheers of supporters at a local hotel.
Colleen grabbed the bar, and the hush slowly turned into an enthusiastic cheer.