Most of other reviews were less enthusiastic, but usually with the ratings still over 80%.
But economists have been somewhat less enthusiastic with the results.
When he heard who it was, he became enthusiastic, especially over someone with that good a name.
She was enthusiastic with her youthful body, but only time gave one experiences like his.
"Every admission officer I talked to was enthusiastic about his or her experience with home schoolers," he writes.
He said some critics perceive the order as militant when it is really "just enthusiastic, with a high sense of mission."
She talked about how she has become more enthusiastic with each successive victory.
His mouth felt the way it did when the dentist got a little too enthusiastic with the novocaine.
"It's true we've been less than enthusiastic with their budget," the Administration official said.
He keeps a cool level head and is rather enthusiastic with a sense of adventure.