The population of the entire municipality is around 16,000 but within the town center about 1,500.
The population of the entire municipality in 2005 was 58,169 people.
In time this name also came to be used for the entire municipality.
The population for the entire municipality was 109,150 (2005) and its area is 5,952 km2.
The area may be an entire municipality, or only a specific neighborhood.
The town has a population of more than 13,000 inhabitants but in the entire municipality itself, there are nearly 30,600 people.
This accounts for almost all the residents in the entire municipality.
In some cases, the entire municipality and the city proper cover the same territory.
The settlement itself has just over 850 inhabitants with nearly 2800 in the entire municipality.
It covers the entire municipality and the only one that shares the same name.