During the 10-day sale, American Airlines sold out almost its entire allotment of discounted seats.
But the expensive pills she takes twice a day use up her hospital's entire allotment.
For years California took more than its share of the apportionment, because other states were not prepared to use their entire allotments.
In fact, until recently, I thought Joyce had been given our family's entire allotment.
Japanese fans have snapped up their entire allotments, but some countries did not sell their full shares.
As late as December 31, neither team had sold its entire allotment of 17,500 tickets.
We would like to have spent the entire allotment.
The entire allotment was renamed "King George's Field" in 1935.
Oklahoma had also not sold out its entire allotment.
By December 9, both Alabama and the game itself had sold their entire allotment of tickets.