On the morning of January 17, the entire battlefield was covered with a thick fog.
With traditional map-based wargames, players have an overhead view of the entire battlefield.
The entire battlefield was now covered with dust, which the wind was blowing against the Persians.
The details of the rest of the battle are generally sketchy, and no one involved would have had a view of the entire battlefield.
The Spanish artillery was placed on top of the hill among the wineyards, having a good view of the entire battlefield.
When it became time to depart, the battle wing would burn the entire battlefield clean.
You begin each turn by selecting your units from a map that lays out the entire battlefield.
For instance, it has not been able to buy enough battlefield sensors and communications, which would allow commanders to have information about an entire battlefield.
"Does not the dance take the entire battlefield into consideration?"
"Even if they just put a few scouts up there, it will give them a fine view of the entire battlefield."