When they sacrifice cattle, as they do almost daily, the entire carcass is consumed by the altar fire.
They immediately devour the entire carcass, after which they lie up and sleep for a few hours.
The losers are driven off, and the winners dig a hole under the head of the dead animal, and, by dawn, they have interred the entire carcass.
When she gave it to him, he dragged the entire skinned carcass to the niche in the far corner.
Rosamund ignored this, engaging in an amiable discussion with Jamie that terminated in her agreeing to reserve an entire carcass for use at the wedding feast.
Spitted over sputtering flames turned an entire carcass of what looked to be goat.
There won't be any two atoms of his entire carcass left in the same township.
In addition, herders must give the entire carcasses to the slaughterhouse and cannot put other parts of the animals to traditional uses, ranging from soup to clothing.
Soon, however, the sharks have devoured the marlin's entire carcass, leaving only its skeleton.
I want you to lie down inside this skin, and I will sew it up again so it looks like an entire carcass.