This entire charade was designed to entice me to defect?
The entire charade does not appear to be an honest effort and may never have been.
Not just the preposterous business at the end, but the entire cruel charade.
This entire charade was designed as an attack on all the teachings of the man that Motiak has appointed high priest.
It would be the first intelligent step in this entire terrorist charade.
Five or ten minutes later Foxy would return and the entire charade would be acted out again.
You're telling us this entire charade was Ajani's idea?
And only an idiot would believe that entire charade wasn't set up expressly to do just that!
Desan had no feelings for these ships or their people, only contempt for the entire charade.
He stared at me a long moment, then: "The entire charade, it seems, was to set you up to be killed.