An entire cohort guarded the military yards.
From this agreement Williams derived its entire black cohort and in 1920 drew Davis into its ranks.
At 6 months, the entire cohort had experienced a decrease in measures of cancer worry and psychological consequences of breast screening.
Participants spend time training in the region in which they will teach and together as an entire cohort.
We do not question your loyalty or courage, Corporal, but your small band can hardly compare with an entire cohort.
Unadjusted survival after atrial fibrillation and for the entire cohort is also shown in Table 4.
Gareth's men were best mounted of the entire cohort.
It is almost certain that the most senior centurion of the six would have commanded the entire cohort.
The 8-year overall survival for the entire cohort was 26% ( 16%).
It is unlikely that such a concerted, simultaneous attack on the entire cohort of liberal news outlets could have been carried out by amateurs.