That way, a security breach would necessitate the clearing of people from only one flight or group of flights instead of entire concourses or even airports.
On the ground levels, the entire concourse is now open, along with the restaurants and shops.
Cutbacks in aircraft manufacturing have hurt, and the severe slump in air travel has made one entire concourse at Lambert-St.
New floor tiles were laid throughout the entire concourse, and several restaurants opened on the periphery.
By June, the entire first-level concourse is expected to be finished, and some of the exterior of the building will be up, too.
In the actual station, the entire concourse was gutted and rebuilt with 5,700 square metres of retail space.
By 3:40 p.m. the entire concourse was back in operation, Mr. Lee said.
The system also has informational displays located in the stations and throughout the entire concourse.
During its entire concourse, it runs through the urban section of Belgrade.
The entire concourse was razed down and had to be rebuilt.