Throughout the ride the entire contingent from the Pinta was very quiet.
Among the pre-race favorites was the entire Spanish contingent of riders.
Our conversation took place in private; the Senator's entire contingent was being conducted through those laboratories we called "the tour."
"As a backup, in case the main target, or targets, probably the entire contingent of Mexicans, didn't take the poison."
I need your entire contingent in space armor, waiting in a ship just above that planet.
But first they captured an entire 37-man contingent of militia men, the local equivalent of a police force.
The pirates never got a plane into the air-their entire contingent of six jets was destroyed on the ground.
Though it is a difficult task they manage to kill the entire contingent of mutants, freeing their friends and the surviving children.
The entire contingent is being flown back to Hawaii in an hour, including two dead and seven wounded.
For little Sammy had taken the entire feminine contingent by storm.